Gila ZarbivAug 10, 20207 min readOf Life and DeathThe time is 15:00. I walk into the shift. We are now deep into the second wave. There was a few weeks of reprieve where we thought...
Gila ZarbivApr 27, 20203 min readThe Next One...I enter the Corona Ward and prepare the room for the next arrival. She is having her 7th child and her water has just broken. She is...
Gila ZarbivApr 27, 20203 min readBlood, Sweat, and TearsIts 23:00 and I walk in for the night shift. The head midwife for the evening shift looks up at me, "Gila"? She doesn't even need to...
Gila ZarbivApr 15, 20202 min readGoing to BattleGoing to work is like going to battle. We walk in, gear up, and face an enemy we cannot see. The battle is complex, emotional, harrowing,...
Gila ZarbivApr 15, 20204 min readSeven MinutesI arrive at work a half hour early this morning, 6:30. I walk in the door. The head midwife on the shift yells, “Gila! There is a fully...
Gila ZarbivApr 1, 20203 min readDeath in a Time of CoronaThe phone rings. It is a friend currently isolated at home. “My sister is in the hospital with a fever and suspected Corona. Her baby has...
Gila ZarbivMar 31, 20203 min readBirth in a Time of CoronaThere is a noise that a mother makes when her newborn child is taken from her without touching, hugging, smelling, kissing, or...